Today’s a Major Gravitational Wave Announcement ; Why you should be interested ? Today at 7:30 PM IST scientist’s from LIGO VIRGO and 70 other observatory are about to announce a breakthrough in Gravitational Wave Astronomy. This is one of the major events that can shape the future of mankind and its understanding of the universe. But Alas most media has turned a blind eye to it as usual. So I take it upon myself to enlighten you about it and why is it important? But before you can understand the significance let me get through the basic pre-requisites ASAP. The fabric of Space-Time Most of us believe that there are 3-dimensions in our universe (Length , Breadth and height) but that is not the case, actually there are 4 dimensions in our universe; the last one being Space-Time. To understand Space-time, imagine a piece of stretched fabric like a trampoline. Now a massive object like a star ,Planet or Blackhole will crea...