Today’s a Major Gravitational Wave Announcement ; Why you should be interested ?

at 7:30 PM IST scientist’s from LIGO VIRGO and 70 other observatory are
about to announce a breakthrough in Gravitational Wave Astronomy. This
is one of the major events that can shape the future of mankind and its
understanding of the universe. But Alas most media has turned a blind
eye to it as usual. So I take it upon myself to enlighten you about it
and why is it important?
But before you can understand the significance let me get through the basic pre-requisites ASAP.
The fabric of Space-Time
of us believe that there are 3-dimensions in our universe (Length ,
Breadth and height) but that is not the case, actually there are 4
dimensions in our universe; the last one being Space-Time. To understand
Space-time, imagine a piece of stretched fabric like a trampoline. Now a
massive object like a star ,Planet or Blackhole will create a
depression on this fabric.

like a small marble which gets drawn towards a large marble in a piece
of stretched fabric due to depression, A large body (Sun)attracts a
smaller body like (Earth). This is what we regard as the force of
Gravitation as explained by Albert Einstein.
Gravitational waves
what happens when two equally massive objects get attracted towards
each other ? What kind of depression is observed in the space – time
fabric ? As they are equally massive they both revolve around each other
causing waves to be created in the space-time fabric we know as
Gravitational Waves.

until recently we were unable to detect the presence of Gravitational
Waves owing to its very low energy density when it reaches us. Equipment
which can measure change in length as accurately as less than a
diameter of a proton!! Until they were detected by LIGO (Laser
Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) in Hanford and
Livingston, USA.
Significance of detection
our detectors are powerful enough only to measure the Gravitational
Waves only by collision of black-holes,(the most massive objects in our
universe)and Neutron Stars (the second most massive objects in
universe). When we detected the first Gravitational Waves GW150914
(15–09–14 is the date) it was a proof of not only existence of
Gravitational Waves , but also one of the most direct observation of
Black-holes (you know we can’t see them as space time fabric also
affects the light rays) and validation of of Einstein’s Theory of
Impact on Astronomy
when Galileo Galileo made the first telescope, He observed the Rings of
Saturn and Moons of Jupiter for the first time. All these observations
were done using visible light.But there are types of light which are not
visible at all like the UV , Infrared and Microwaves when Astronomers
used these spectrum of light, they were either able to view further into
the deep space or were able to see phenomenon which were not observable
using visible light. To give you an idea look at the image below which
shows our own Sun in various light spectrum.

many years we for the first time have which are not Electromagnetic in
nature but can be used to observe our universe. What new mysteries of
Universe it will reveal is just unfathomable.

Impact On everyday life
is hard to foretell what its impact will be in our daily life, but the
fact that it will be significant cannot be challenged. When Soviet Union
placed the first satellite Sputnik in the orbit it was more of a
demonstration of capacity; but satellite technology has now enable
accurate weather forecast , Advanced Communication , Remote sensing and
what not!
GPS system that we use involves Einstein’s equations to maintain
precision in location tracking, A use which could not be associated
during the proposal of the Theory. The advances in engineering, Design,
cryogenics and Vaccum technology associated with Building these
detectors will find use elsewhere for sure.
Today’s Announcement.
announcement surely involves discovery of another Gravitational Wave
but it is extremely likely that there will be an optical observation of
the incident by some of the telescope. There are many optical phenomena
that are unexplained like the Gamma Ray Bursts. It is highly likely that
we may be able to draw a co-relation between such phenomena and Massive
cosmic Collisions which may improve our understanding of universe for
Opportunity in India
LIGO detector is planned to be constructed in India in by 2025. This
project is expected to employ more than 500 scientist and engineers from
various fields. It is a one of the best opportunity for students in
India to get a taste of Gravitational Waves and find the motivation to
work in this field as it offers great prospects not only to them but
entire mankind in General.
Where to watch?
You can watch the livestream on YouTube in one of the two channels
-Neel Vadodaria
[image Courtesy: LIGO,Indi-GO,Google Images and Creative Commons]
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