The exoplanet revolves around a star named EPIC211945201 or K2–236, with rotation period of just 19.5 days. It is very close to the host star with surface temprature of around 600 celsius. It is 27 times massive than earth and has 6 times larger radius. It is a gas giant like Saturn and Neptune.[image courtesy : Lucas Granito ] A team of Indian scientist from PRL have today announced the discovery of an exo-planet around a star 600 light years away. This is the first discovery of exo-planet orbiting other stars by Indian Scientists. The key to this discovery was the device PARAS (PRL Advanced Radial Velocity Abu Sky search) spectrograph attached to the 1.2 m telescope of PRL,at Gurushikhar Mount Abu in Rajasthan. It is also a matter of pride that this spectrograph was designed and developed entirely by the members of the Astronomy and Astrophysics division at PRL. so let us dive a bit deeper...